Student reviews of the coaching development course
About the author
The purpose of writing the book
Mistake #1. "Working with all client requests."
Mistake #2. "Don't talk about yourself before the meeting."
Mistake #3. "Do not announce work rules of the job."
Mistake #4. "Not working with the "SMART" formula when creating a contract."
Mistake #5. "Using terminology."
Mistake #6. "Asking closed-ended questions."
Mistake #7. "Asking alternative questions."
Mistake #8. "Asking leading questions".
Mistake #9. "Don't let the client think."
Mistake #10. "Forcing the client to make excuses."
Mistake #11. "Not being able to go out on a true request."
Mistake #12. "Working with clients who have no requests."
Mistake #13. "Not knowing how to manage customer motivation."
Mistake #14. "Giving out advice."
Mistake #15. "Trying to solve all client requests in one session."
Mistake #16. "Not having a YouTube channel."
Mistake #17. "Being distracted during a coaching session."
Mistake #18. " Doubting the client's abilities."
Mistake #19. "Not taking notes during a coaching session."
Mistake #20. "Not hearing the client. Strictly following the questions."
Mistake #21. "Wanting very much to be liked."
Mistake #22. "Not being able to concentrate on the client's words."
Mistake #23. "Working in bad light."
Mistake #24. "Not listening to the client."
Mistake #25. "Being indifferent to the background behind you".
Mistake #26. "Conducting free coaching sessions."
Mistake #27. "Going back to the past role."
Mistake #28. "Lack of a niche."
Mistake #29. "Taking the Client's Side."
Mistake #30. "Putting a high price unreasonably."
Mistake #31. "Predicting the client's answers."
Mistake #32. "Do not keep information confidential."
Mistake #33. "Set prices too low".
Mistake #34. ""Do not underestimate the client's willingness to complete the action plan".
Mistake #35. "Taking responsibility for the result of the client."
Mistake #36. "Being late or postponing meetings frequently."
Mistake #37. "Working with a negative request."
Mistake #38. "Not managing client progress."
Mistake #39. "Do not share feedback."
Mistake #40. "Not preparing the workplace for the session."
Mistake #41. "Taking notes just to keep them."
Mistake #42. "Having limiting beliefs."
Mistake #43. "Lead the client to your decisions."
Mistake #44. "Not having a content plan."
Mistake #45. "Not going live on social media."
Mistake #46. "Don't have a website."
Mistake #47. "Do not offer second meetings.
Mistake #48. "Don't work on mistakes."
Mistake #49. "Being naive."
Mistake #50. "Wasting time."
Coaching Technique. "Motivating and increasing self-confidence."
European Coaching University Programs
Principles and laws of success in business and in life
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